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Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.

Castlestone offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: GERMANY 
Alter: 82
Beiträge: 6654
Dabei seit: 06 / 2006
Private Nachricht
Betreff: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 16.02.2014 - 20:04 Uhr  -  
Ein guter Bericht über den heutigen Kapitänsalltag.

Master on board -
Is his prime role is to command the ship or to complete record
and documented compliance with SMS,
Port formalities and so on?

By : Sundar Subramani

Almost all the maritime regulations that were developed for Ship management aspects talks about Master and his responsibility, authority and over riding authority. But does the Master have time to manage and command the ship, as it was in earlier days?

What are those Human elements that affect his Knowledge, Skills and attributes as a capable Master to manage the ship safely?

My discussion / interview with sailing Masters gave me some eye openers!

1. Too much paper work, never getting time to concentrate on Navigation - 100% of Master's gave this response. On shuttle tankers / feeder containers - too many port formalities, on long voyage tankers, gas carriers - too many regulatory and industry related paper works

2. Extreme pressure from company and company representative regarding HOW TO DO things on board. Master and Chief Engineer shall be given sufficient space considering the Knowledge and skills (based on which they were recruited) to do things with their own competence.

3. Interference of company representatives during third party inspections / surveys / audit on board. Thus failed to demonstrate the reality and reliability of on board system. But the failure or weaknesses resulting from such situations are always recorded as Master’s failure.

4. “I had purser to do paper work – when there was 10% of documentation was needed, Radio officer handle messaging – when only 2 message goes out in a day. Now I my 80% working time is goes on making reports and send an average 20 message and 5 telephone calls to company daily”.


Some points for thoughts, following from 80% (142 out of 116 Masters) of my interviews and research, hence might not be applicable for some.

a. Master’s are no longer treated by majority of the companies as Person in command, rather a person responsible for all problems happened on board.

b. Master is given all supports in a way to keep him on board as a remote control to manage from shore, rather than help to manage the ship safely Example:-

1. Master’s review is a check list answered YES/NO,

2. Internal Audit is done with focus on company’s weakness originating from ship,

3. Incidents are analysed and actions are imposed on board without any consultation or training the ship staff for their effective contribution

4. Request (resources) made by Master for improvement of ship is treated as luxury or incapability in managing the vessel with existing crew.

5. True feedback on seafarers performance are neglected or not positively responded reasoning budget and financial restrictions

c. Any NC, Findings or observations received during the third party verification and inspections are always treated as a failure to demonstrate by the ship.

d. Failure or weakness occurred during the previous Master is also listed under the Master on command. On the other hand lot of restriction being given what to record in the Master’s handing over note, reasoning this is not an ISM document.

I feel these are sufficient to evaluate the functioning and characteristic of Master’s Human element while on board.

What we can expect from such a Master?

How we shall be managing people and process on board at all time consistently?

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bublies offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
Geschlecht: männlich
Herkunft: SWEDEN  Värnamo
Alter: 80
Beiträge: 2362
Dabei seit: 08 / 2010
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Betreff: Re: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 16.02.2014 - 21:46 Uhr  -  
Hej all,
A master is a master.
How he/she is, depends on the skills and on the human development to treat and guide the crew/people in a positiv and in a advanced way. Absolutely not in the way of an absolute ruler. :-(
With regards and hälsningar bublies.
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Detlev offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
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Betreff: Re: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 16.02.2014 - 22:28 Uhr  -  

Master on board -
Is his prime role is to command the ship or to complete record
and documented compliance with SMS,
Port formalities and so on?

By : Sundar Subramani

Moin Ernst,
danke für diesen meines erachtens "perfekten" zustandsbericht ,er trifft in jedem punkt zu und nötigt die inhaber des jobs zu charakterstärke
die leider auf grund unnötiger existenzieller sorgen zu oft vernachlässigt wird.
ein sogenannter fleetmanager wollte mich mal zum kotau zwingen da ich entgegen dem reedereiverlangen nicht sofort, ich flog von mexico erst in den urlaub nach kanada, nach hamburg zum briefing kam. sollte also erst nach hh und dann wieder zurück nach kanada .ich habe ihn gefragt wozu er meine handynummer hat und die personal managerin (nautikerin) versteckte sich grinsend hinter einem aktendeckel .
dem sogenannten inspektor fiel bald das gebiss raus da er mich schon kannte,als er mich einmal über sateliten anrief fing er an mit mir (er ist auch deutscher) englisch zu sabbeln worauf ich ihn gefragt habe ob er noch ganz dicht ist und habe aufgelegt.
und so spinnt sich der faden des artikels immer schön weiter ................
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holger offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
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Alter: 79
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Dabei seit: 03 / 2007
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Betreff: Re: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 17.02.2014 - 15:10 Uhr  -  

danke für diesen meines erachtens "perfekten" zustandsbericht ,er trifft in jedem punkt zu und nötigt die inhaber des jobs zu charakterstärke
die leider auf grund unnötiger existenzieller sorgen zu oft vernachlässigt wird.

Moin Ernst,
da möchte ich mich Detlev in seiner ausführung zu 100% anschließen.
gruss holger
In majestätischer Einsamkeit dehnt sich das ewige Nordmeer….
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Castlestone offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: GERMANY 
Alter: 82
Beiträge: 6654
Dabei seit: 06 / 2006
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Betreff: Re: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 17.02.2014 - 20:54 Uhr  -  

Hej all,
A master is a master.
How he/she is, depends on the skills and on the human development to treat and guide the crew/people in a positiv and in a advanced way. Absolutely not in the way of an absolute ruler.
With regards and hälsningar bublies.

Bublies Svenskefan kom deg over grensen.
Dieser Post wurde 1 mal bearbeitet. Letzte Editierung: 18.02.2014 - 16:38 Uhr von Castlestone.
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bublies offline
Kapitän/1. Ing
Geschlecht: männlich
Herkunft: SWEDEN  Värnamo
Alter: 80
Beiträge: 2362
Dabei seit: 08 / 2010
Private Nachricht
Betreff: Re: Interessante Aspekte über den Kapitän.  -  Gepostet: 17.02.2014 - 21:29 Uhr  -  
Hej castlestone,
habe schon verstanden dass es um Masters Arbeitssituation geht
und How we (Master) shall be managing people and process on board at all time c...................
so what? Wusste nicht dass Eichhörnchen diese Eigenart haben und um weitere Abnormitäten zu vermeiden, folge ich natuerlich
des Masters Rat und sage Nichts mehr zu diesem THEMA. Falls ich dich entzuernt habe, entschuldige ich mich; oskuld/förlåt.
Hälsning bublies
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